Pastor Vosailangi Sikalu of the Assemblies of God has been sacked following a decision by the church’s executive presbytery in New Zealand.

A written confirmation of his dismissal was officially made on May 22 by the executive saying it “revoked”  Sikalu’s position in the church after conducting an investigation against him and copies of their decision have been sent to the “World AG Tongan Council”.

Sikalu was accused of having affairs with two women in the church and it was made known to the Tongan communities by the Taimi 'o Tonga Newspaper in late 2009. He was also accused of sending obscene text messages.

In October 2012 after complaints from one of the women and her husband Pastor Sikalu was arrested by police for “misuse of a telephone and threatening behaviour”.

He was released with “a precharge formal warning for his actions”.

Sikalu denied all accusations and maintained his innocence.