Notorious serial rapist Uili Falamoe was found guilty by Chief Justice Cato at Nuku’alofa Supreme court early this month for multiple counts of carnal knowledge and sexual assault of two underage girls at Fonongahina.

In January 2012 Falamoe sent his partner, the victims’ mother, to get smokes from a friend. On her return the mother found Falamoe sexually assaulted her daughter in their house.

At one stage, the court heard, Falamoe went with the eldest to a shop in ‘Utulau to buy flour in May 2012. In their return and instead of going straight home they went into a nearby bush where Falamoe sexually assaulted the victim.

Falamoe denied his charges in court but Justice Cato said he believed beyond any reasonable doubt the accused had carnal knowledge of the first complainant at that time the complainant was under the age of 12.

In regard to complainant two Justice Cato said he believed beyond any reasonable doubt Falamoe had carnal knowledge of the complainant. He sexually assaulted her against her will.

Falamoe is known to many Tongans for crimes related to sexual violation. He has a record of raping women ranging from underages to adults and he was repeatedly sent to prison on many incidents.

Falamoe is in police custody to be sentenced on August 18.

Notorious rapist Uili Falamoe / Photo: Kakalu 'o Tonga Newspaper