The Tongan government has grounded Real Tonga’s controversial MA60 aircraft pending requirements by its new civil aviation act to be fulfilled by the airline.

The aircraft has been returned to the government this week after its lease was terminated due to the new legislation.

The new legislation introduced by the Tongan government required the Xian MA60 aircraft to undergo a new licensing process that was effective on Sunday, February 8 before reissuing of a new license would be considered.

The airline company released a statement that said: “This new legislation impacts the MA60 operation on two levels. Firstly, the Type Acceptance of the aircraft through the Ministry of Infrastructure must be re-issued after the aircraft has undergone type certification in line with and in compliance to the New Zealand Civil Aviation Rules. In a formal report on the status of the MA60, by PASO, the recommendation from PASO was to ground the MA60 pending full and proper type acceptance.

“Secondly, Real Tonga must address issues on its Part 121 operation to adequately demonstrate full compliance to the same rule part under NZ CARs.

“The MA60 is therefore not operating until the two above requirements have been met and the aircraft has now been formally returned to Government and the lease between Government and Real Tonga has been terminated”.

The MA60 would be replaced by a second British Aerospace  Jetstream 32 aircraft in March, the Airline said.