Residents at Kolonga who removed jawbone and teeth from a dead whale that washed up on their shore Sunday 22 did not breach Tonga’s Sunday law, Police said.

The carcass was then cut into pieces to save its bones and the remains were removed from the beach.

Tongan constitution ordered: “The Sabath Day shall be sacred forever and it shall not be lawful to do work or play games or trade on the Sabbath”.

An amendment to the clause was made allowing cabinet discretion to bend the rules for such cases as the emergency landing of aircraft.

Read More: Villagers remove jawbone and teeth from whale washed up on Kolonga beach

After the dead whale was found on Kolonga beach Police received information that bad smell began emanating from the carcass.

Police said it allowed the residents to work and remove the carcass as soon as they can to make sure the smell would not affect people living in the surrounding.

That cannot be regarded as breach of Sunday Law, according to Police.

Tonga’s Police minister Hon. Pohiva Tu’i’onetoa told Kaniva News in a previous interview he as Minister of Police has the authority to allow a person to do business on Sunday if that person has reasonable reasons to do so.

According to the minister taxi drivers, for example, can apply for permit to operate on Sunday but they must give strong reasons to support their applications.