Tongaliuaki Filo’aulo Aleamotu’a whom Tonga’s Land Court declared in December 2015 he was the rightful heir to the Fielakepa title announced his intention to seek reparation in court.

His legal counsel Laki Niu reportedly said his client will be filing claims for legal costs and compensation against Tupou Tongapo’uli Aleamotu’a who His Majesty bestowed the title on before it was disputed in court.

It is understood the uncle and his nephew together with their legal teams will first discuss the matter in a mediation process in court.

His Majesty King Tupou VI conferred the Fielakepa title on His Armed Forces’ Commander, Tupou Tongapoʻuli  in April 2015 but it was later challenged in court by Tongaliuki.

Tongapo’uli’s eldest brother, the late Baron Fielakepa, died in 2013 without an heir.

After his death, the next in line to the hereditary title was Mōsese Taulupe Aleamotuʻa, but he died suddenly in 2007. He was survived by his mother Lady Tuna Fielakepa and his wife Mele Simiki Aleamotu’a and their nine children.

Tongaliuaki was the eldest son of Mele Simiki Aleamotu’a and Mōsese Taulupe Aleamotuʻa.