A new Australian High Commissioner to Tonga will start next month it has been announced today by Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Hon Julie Bishop MP.
“Today I announce the appointment of Mr Andrew Ford as Australia’s next High Commissioner to Tonga”, Hon Bishop said.
Australia’s longstanding and cooperative relationship with Tonga is underpinned by our strong defence, policing and development partnerships, with our countries working closely on maritime security, fisheries protection, transnational crime threats and natural disaster management.

Through our development programs, Australia works with Tonga to implement governance, economic and private sector reforms, promote an efficient and effective health system and provide skills development and economic opportunities for Tongan workers.
Mr Ford is a career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and until recently was Director of the Free Trade Agreement Policy and New Issues Section. Mr Ford has served as Director of areas responsible for Trade Competitiveness, International Economics and Finance, and Trade Policy as well as Security Policy and Operations.
He has previously served overseas as Counsellor (Political and Economic) in Kuala Lumpur and First Secretary (Economic) in Seoul.
Mr Ford will take up his appointment in February 2016.
I thank outgoing High Commissioner, Mr Brett Aldam, for his contribution to advancing Australia’s partnership with Tonga.