The continuous gale force winds which battered Haʻapai since Monday have led to Police closing down the Foa causeway earlier today.

Local media reported no injuries or death.

It said the decision was to protect motorists from danger after large swells, coinciding with a high tide, have washed rocks and debris onto the road.

Last month Police and emergency services in Pangai, Ha’apai pulled  out a car from the sea at the causeway while a man was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.

The incident happened after a car attempted to cross over to the other side of the causeway when it was struck by a big wave.

Cyclone Winston 

Meanwhile the storm warning previously in force for Vava’u group is now cancelled, the Fua’amotu Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre said at 4.30pm Friday 19.

It said the heavy rain and flash flood warnings previously in force for Vava’u is now cancelled, but remains in force for Niuatoputapu and Niuafo’ou.

Met said a gale warning is now in force for Vava’u and remains in force for Niuatoputapu,  Niuafo’ou and Ha’apai.

Winston, a category 4 cyclone, was located 170km north-northwest of Neiafu at 3.00pm this afternoon.