Today in 2014 we wrote that HRH Princess Angelika Latūfuipeka Halaevalu Mata’aho Napua-Okalani Tuku’aho, was expected to choose a husband that year.
It has been two years today and nothing has been confirmed yet although one proposal and a Christmas card had been presented to the only daughter of His Majesty King Tupou VI by two candidates.
They were the son of Lord Nuku, ‘Eiki Faka’osifono and the son of Lord Malupo, ‘Eiki Makahokovalu.

‘Eiki Faka’osifono proposed to the Princess on January 2014 while ‘Eiki Makahokovalu presented a Tongan Christmas card to the Princess on December 2014.
Makahokovalu’s Christmas card presentation was intended to be followed with his marriage proposal to the Princess on March 2015. But it has been a year now the marriage proposal has yet to be presented.
Under the Tongan constitution, “It shall not be lawful for any member of the Royal Family who is likely to succeed to the throne to marry any person without the consent of the King. And if any person should thus marry the marriage shall not be considered legal and it shall be lawful for the King to cancel the right of such person and his heirs to succeed to the Crown of Tonga”.
Princess Latufuipeka, 32, is number five in line to the Tongan throne.
Lord Malupoo’s herald in Auckland, Angakehe told Kaniva News this afternoon that since ‘Eiki Makahokovalu’s Christmas card was presented to the princess in December things had been dealt with behind closed doors.
“Nothing has been confirmed to us at this stage,” Angakehe said.
When asked what happened to ‘Eiki Makahovalu’s proposal Angakehe said it has yet to be presented.
Attempts to contact the Palace Office and ‘Eiki Faka’osifono were unsuccessful.
‘Uiha Islanders present food at palace ahead of gift of kaati to Princess Lātūfuipeka next week
Princess Lātūfuipeka to receive Christmas card and marriage proposal from Lord Malupoo’s son