The Devil’s in the detail: Image of rib steak goes viral in Mexico after horns and face of Satan were spotted in the meat
The steak is believed to have come from Mexico’s largest meat processor SuKarne and the picture taken in La Paz in Baja California Sur
Rib steak has a striking resemblance to the face and horns of the Devil
It is unclear if it has been eaten yet but dozens of volunteers were offering to taste it, despite its sinister appearance
This rib steak has become the the most famous in Mexico after people commented on its striking resemblance to the face and horns of the Devil.
A local website posted the bizarre cut of meat on its Facebook and it has since gone viral.

The steak is believed to have come from Mexico’s largest meat processor SuKarne and the picture taken in La Paz in Baja California Sur.
It is unclear if it has been eaten yet but dozens of volunteers were offering to taste it, despite its sinister appearance.
News media site El Metichon, which posted the picture, said: ‘We’ve received this image where the devil appears in a rib steak from Sukarne. What do you think?’
Responses quickly flooded in, with one commenting: ‘The devil can come out of that meat on my grill.’
Another, Elliot Payen, said: ‘It’s shouting out to be put on the barbecue with some guacamole and beers.’
Diana Quintana joked: ‘What will the poor cow have done to deserve this!!!’
The butcher who cut the meat claimed he had been mocked by his workmates.
A local paper reported they had asked him if he had carried out a satanic ritual to make it come out the way it did.
SuKarne appeared oblivious to the furore, making no mention of it on its official Twitter or its website.
– Daily Mail