Their Majesties King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipauʻu attended a 60th birthday on February 29 in Queenstown, Australia.
It was the birthday of Louise Waterhouse the Sydney-based honorary consul for Tonga.
She is the daughter of Bill Waterhouse who’s been the Tongan -Australian honorary consul general for 40 years.
Their Majesties were reminded during the celebration of how the Waterhouse family came into contact with the Tongan royals.
“Our families go back three-quarters of a century from when your father studied at Sydney University at the same time as my father, and your father was the first Tongan to get a tertiary education,” the birthday girl Louise Waterhouse told the king. .
Louise added: “My real passion in life is my role with Tonga … and I feel very privileged to be in a position through that role where I can make just a small difference to this wonderful island nation.”
“Louise told Monday’s gathering at Jack’s Point that she was “deeply, deeply touched and honoured” that King Tupou VI, crowned last year, and Queen Nanasipau’u attended”.