Crown Prince Tupoutoʻa and Crown Princess Sinaitakala were among the mourners at Motuʻapuaka’s funeral.

The king’s leading matāpule died on July 3 in the United States after he was admitted to hospital.

His body arrived in Tonga on Friday and will be laid to rest at Fakaulunafa cemetery on Saturday 23.

A service for his kāinga and friends is being held at his estate, Teʻekiu.

His matāpule Mafi E Vaohehea said a massive crowd attended Motuʻapuaka’s ʻapō (vigil) tonight.

Motuʻapuaka is one of the king’s few heralds who inherited and held lands in Tonga such as His Majesty’s nobles.

Motuʻapuaka’s roles included taking care of the fakapangai and making order during any royal kava ceremony in which the king attended