A dispute over a baby emerged this week after a mother demanded her baby back from a friend who kept and intended to adopt it.
Kaniva understands a magistrate in Neiafu was expected to deliver his decision on the matter on Thursday.
According to Vavaʻu Police the baby, who was born out of wedlock, belongs to Tiueti Ngauamo.
Ngauamo agreed that her aunt Lita from Haʻalaufuli would take care of and adopt the baby after it was born, Vavaʻu Police Superintendent Netane Falakiseni said.
At one stage, a friend of Ngauamo known as ‘Alamita took the baby from Lita with the intention to take care of, Falakiseni said.
When Ngauamo heard about the news she confronted ‘Alamita and demanded her baby back, he said.
This had led to a dispute that ended up at the Police station.
Falakiseni said Police cannot interfere in cases of this nature unless there was an element of negligence or violence involved regarding the children.
Police then referred the case to the magistrate, he said.