In a story January 5 the Vava’u Police erroneously released to Kaniva News the name of the brother of the man accused in relation to the death of Kelana College’s head boy . The accused’s name is Saia Tapueluelu, not Tevita Tapueluelu.

Vava’u Police  have made the correction this morning.

A corrected version of the story is below:


A man accused of murder following the death of Kelana College’s head prefect has been named by Police

He was 27-year-old Saia Tapueluelu of Fungamisi, Vavaʻu Police Superintendent Netane Falakiseni said.

He was accused following Kelekolio Fahiua’s death on Saturday morning after joining the college’s Golden Jubilee celebrations.

Falakiseni said Kelekolio Fahiua’s body was laid to rest yesterday Wednesday 4.

Tapueluelu was a soldier  in His Majesty’s Armed Forces and he confronted Fahiua after he  was trying to break up a fight among the village’s youth when Fahiua appeared with friends.

The soldier confronted him and knocked him down.

Falakiseni said Fahiua was not involved in the fight or have anything to do with it.

The TBC reported that the soldier, who has since been charged with manslaughter, rushed Fahiua to hospital.

The schoolboy was declared dead two hours later.