Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva, who has faced complaints of nepotism in the past, has brought his son-in-law, Mateni Tapueluelu into the cabinet as Police Minister.
The move is part of a wider cabinet reshuffle following the resignation of Dr. ‘Aisake Eke as Finance Minister.
Dr. Eke had served as Finance Minister in two administrations.
His portfolio has gone to former Revenue Minister Tēvita Laveumaau.
Hon. Lavemaau‘s portfolio goes to Pōhiva Tuʻiʻonetoa.
As Kaniva News reported earlier today, The Prisons Department has been brought under the control of Justice Minister Vuna Fāʻotusia.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs goes to Deputy Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni.
The reshuffle comes a week after Hon. Pōhiva survived a vote of no confidence by 14 votes to 10.
For more information
Mateni Tapueluelu new minister of Police, Finance Minister ‘Aisake Eke resigns