The son of Tonga’s Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pohiva said his father was genuine in whatever he did.

Siaosi Pohiva was speaking to Tongan television programme Tnews in Auckland. The interview was released on its Good Morning Tonga service on Tuesday.

Siaosi said his father was not a person who only talked about what he wanted to do, but acted in a way that agreed with the things he said, particularly when they benefitted people.

He stood by his father in his move to change the assessment system in Tonga from standardisation to raw marks.

Siaosi, who was head of the SPC’s Assessment Unit of the Education Quality and Assessment Programme , said Fiji and Samoa in the Pacific had already changed from standardisation system and used modern raw marks system.

He said he never regretted growing up with a father who dedicated his life to politics, even when it put the family at risk.

Siaosi said of all the Prime Minister’s seven children he was closest to his father.

He said he grew up in a home where politics was the main topic of the day from morning until sun set.

He was used to the challenges the family faced, such as the time when Hon. Pohiva  was convicted in court because of his involvement in politics.

“There were punishments the public was not aware of,” he said.

“They were just social punishment.”

He admitted the family was affected because of his father’s political involvement.

He said his father put people as his priority before his family.

“When he got some money he saved it for his political interest”, he said.

“We had only food without meat or anything else because he saved the money for his political needs”, Siaosi said.

His mother Neomai suffered a stroke.

However, he said no matter how difficult the situation, he did not regret being his son.

Siaosi supported his father’s political work, quoting Edmund Burke’s statement that “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

“That’s one of the things I am happy about with my father as he was not someone who only speaks out about what needed to be corrected but he did something about it, no matter how difficult it was,” Siaosi said.

“There is merit in his political belief and thinking. “

Siaosi said that while he was young he could not do much except give his father his moral support.

The Prime Minister

Hon. Pohiva said in a recent interview with Kaniva News he knew his supporters were still with him and they were happy with his leadership, despite the many challenges from his political foes.

Analysts believe his government was the first to put Tonga’s economy in growth.

As we reported recently, the gross international reserves increased from US$166 million in June 2016 to US$171 million in December 2016, reflecting increased public and private transfers, stronger than expected remittances and changes in the value of the US dollar.

The National Reserve Bank of Tonga said Tonga had enjoyed a year of economic growth and there was more good financial news to come.

However analysts said the government has not yet come up with a plan for the dramatic increase in unemployment rate and the drugs related crime rates.


Pohiva is being criticised for his stance on media freedom in Tonga especially his approach to the national broadcaster, Tonga Broadcasting Commission.

He called for a review of the TBC and said privatisation would be an option.

Some commentators from regional media associations believe Pohiva had a point in saying there was unethical, unprofessional and malicious attitudes from senior officials at TBC towards him and his government.

However many, including Pacific Freedom Forum chair Monica Miller, said that while there might be royalists in the TBC who acted unethically, shutting down the TBC was not the right way to prove the Prime Minister’s allegations.

The main points

  • The son of Tonga’s Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pohiva said his father was genuine in whatever he did.
  • In a television interview, Siaosi Pohiva said his father was not a person who only talked about what he wanted to do, but acted in a way that agreed with the things he said, particularly when they benefitted
  • He said his father put people as his priority before his family.
  • However, he said no matter how difficult the situation, he did not regret being his son.