Two men, aged 30 and 53, were arrested and had been charged with unlawful possession of cannabis and ammunition in Vainī, Police said.

The men were remanded in custody to appear at the Magistrate court today Monday 29 May.

Deputy Commissioner Viliami ‘Unga Fa’aoa said: “On Saturday morning 27 May 2017, search warrants were executed in the Vaini area, one at a residential property and one at a tax allotment”.

Police also seized electronic devices, cash and assorted drug paraphernalia.

“There is absolutely no place in our communities for illegal drugs and Police will continue to prosecute those who grow, sell or use illegal drugs,” says Deputy Commissioner Fa’aoa.

Information about drug offending can be passed on to your local Police station or can be made anonymously by phoning 23417 or 25147.