Tonga Rugby Union boss Fe’ao Vunipola said Tonga’s national rugby team ‘Ikale Tahi will play in Fiji in June when the Pacific National Champion cup starts.

The tournament includes Fiji, Georgia, Romania, Samoa and Tonga.

Vunipola made his comments after a large section of the roof of the Teufaiva  Stadium  were severely damaged by Tropical Cyclone Gita last week.

“I don’t think it would have a “negative impact” on what we have planned for this year,” Vunipola told Kaniva News.

He said maintenance and upgrades of Teufaiva’s  track events facilities were planned for June this year.

Vunipola said he believed any works to replace and repair the roof could be taken place together at the same time with the track events’ upgrade.

The stadium, with its newly refurbished canopy, was built to withstand Category 4 force winds. Gita’s impact on Tongatapu where Teufaiva is situated did reach that level of intensity.

The damage just came two months after the multi million dollar upgrade funded by New Zealand was celebrated in December.