(news.com.au) A FOREIGN worker has been seriously injured after crashing his car at Mole Creek in northern Tasmania.

Emergency services were called to Mole Creek Rd at about 5am.

Police say initial investigations showed the man, from Tonga, lost control of his vehicle about 200m from the junction with Lemana Rd near Red Hills.

The car swerved onto the wrong side of the road before the driver over-corrected, slid and hit a power pole.

The driver, a 21-year-old who was working in the Mole Creek area, was freed from the vehicle and transferred to the Launceston General Hospital, where he remains in a critical condition in ICU.

“Drivers are reminded that with winter conditions come changed road conditions and that, combined with increased traffic over the Easter period requires a higher level of concentration when driving,” police said.

“They are urged to be conscious of their speed, wear their seatbelt and not to use mobile devices when driving.”