A new construction and refurbishment of the existing Neiafu Vava’u Police Station started on Monday.

The project was funded by the Australian and New Zealand governments.

A blessing was held in Neiafu on Wednesday 12 to mark the beginning of the building of the district police headquarters.

Commissioner Caldwell said: “The new station will provide a stronger policing capability for the people of Vava’u, strengthen border security and provide a safe haven for the victims of crime, and give our officers a decent building to work in.”

“The first role of the Police is to protect our citizens. Policing is about serving the community and working hand in hand to keep our citizens and our young people safe. This new Station is important but it is the work that happens inside and outside of the building that is most important.”

Commissioner Caldwell acknowledged the support of the New Zealand and Australia Governments, through the Tonga Police Development Program which has seen the constructions of seven new Police Stations throughout Tonga since 2010, the Vaini Police Station, ‘Ohonua Police Station (‘Eua), Pangai Police Station (Ha’apai), Mu’a Police Station, Nukunuku Police Station, Nomuka Police Station, Nuku’alofa Central Police Station and now the construction of the new Vava’u Police Station.

The work is carried out by the Puloka Construction Group Ltd and due for completion before Christmas 2019.