This story originally appeared on TVNZ as is republished with permission
The Prime Minister says the Christchurch terrorist attacker deserves a lifetime of “complete and utter silence”, after he was sentenced to life without parole today.
Ms Ardern said the sentencing meant he would have “no notoriety, he has no platform and we have no cause to think about him, to see him or to hear from him again”.
It is a sentence that has never been handed down in New Zealand before.
It means the terrorist will spend the rest of his life in jail without prospect of release after admitting 51 charges of murder, 40 charges of attempted murder and one terror charge following a hateful massacre at Christchurch’s Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre on March 15, 2019.
Ms Ardern the crime was one that “New Zealand has never seen the likes of before and this is a sentences in the likes we’ve never seen before”.
“It gave me relief, to know that person will never see the light of day.”
To the victims, Ms Ardern said that nothing would take the pain away, “but I hope you felt the arms of New Zealand round you… and I hope you continue to feel that through all the days that follow”.
“The trauma of March 15 is not easily healed, but today I hope is the last where we have any cause to hear or utter the name of the terrorist behind it.”
“His deserves to be a lifetime of complete and utter silence.”
Earlier today, Ms Ardern praised the “ongoing reaction and response” after the victim impact statements were read.
She said the victims had “shown such strength in sharing their statements over the last few days”.
“I’m sure every New Zealand who has read them, has been devastated to see them having to relive the trauma of that day and hear the ongoing trauma it has given to all of them.”
“I don’t think anything removes what happened that day. I think the only thing that gives comfort is the ongoing reaction and response of all New Zealanders, and so I hope they continue to show all the empathy and solace that the Muslim community deserve.”