In a surprising political twist, the Deputy Prime Minister Vuna Fa’otusia has revealed his discontent with his boss, Prime Minster Pōhiva Tu’i’onetoa.

Deputy PM Vuna Fa’otusia (L), PM Pōhiva Tu’i’onetoa

He told Kaniva News this morning he was not happy with how Tu’i’onetoa runs the government and the involvement of ousted Cabinet Minister ‘Etuate Lavulavu.

Hon Fa’otusia made the startling revelation after a vote of no confidence motion in Hon Tu’i’onetoa was submitted to the House yesterday.

He and the nine other Democratic MPs known as the PTOA Party have signed the motion.

“The move for a vote of no confidence in our government was submitted yesterday, and those signed are the nine members of the party, PTOA, in parliament, including myself from cabinet,” Hon Fa’otusia said.

“We are not happy with the government of Lavulavu and the PM Tu’i’onetoa.

“They have to go, and now is as good a time as any!”

Hon Fā’otusia claimed there were members in Cabinet who supported them and  will vote for them. He said these Cabinet ministers did not agree with what the Prime Minister and Lavulavu have been doing for Tonga.

“I also know that once the members of the nobles in Parliament know that the king is not happy with the government of PM Tu’i’onetoa and Lavulavu, they will vote for us!

“I believe that once the vote of no confidence is casted, only the now PM Pohiva Tu’i’onetoa, and Akosita Lavulavu, will be on the other side.”

All in the interests of the country, and the people of Tonga!”

MP Siaosi Pōhiva, the PTOA Party Secretary General has confirmed to Kaniva News they have submitted a Vote of No Confidence motion in the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to the Parliament yesterday.

Every motion for a Vote of No Confidence tabled in the house required to be signed by at least 10 MPs, a number the PTOA nine MPs could not get without the help of an MP from the nobility or Cabinet.

The VONC rules also stipulate the motion be put to a vote within five working days from the time it is tabled.