This story is republished with permission

Flights from Fiji, New Zealand and Australia to Tonga have been postponed to next month due to managed quarantine period changes.

The flights were scheduled for February the 25th, but have now been moved to March the 3rd.

Matangi Tonga reports the new rule requires repatriated passengers to be in managed quarantine for 21 days, with no home isolation.

Tonga’s head of government communication, Paula Ma’u, said postponing the flights allows for one week for workers to rest and for the facilities to be cleaned before the next arrivals.

There are currently 114 passengers who arrived last week who remain in quarantine at the Tanoa Hotel in Nuku’alofa.

Passengers arriving tomorrow from Brisbane will be quarantined at the Kupesi Hotel and Taliai Military Camp at Fua’amotu for three weeks.