The king and the Queen of Tonga have received Covid-19 vaccinations, the Ministry of Health has said.

It said the vaccinations were administered this morning Saturday 15 by the Ministry’s vaccination team led by the Minister for Health, Honourable Associate Professor ‘Amelia Afuha’amango Tu’ipulotu.
“His Majesty King Tupou VI, reigning King of Tonga and Her Majesty Queen Nanasipau’u received their first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine today, Saturday 15 May 2021, 10am at Vaiola Hospital,” it said.
The team included Acting CEO for Health Dr Reynold ‘Ofanoa, Royal Physician Dr Sione Latu, lead vaccinator Sr Afu Tei and supporting physicians and nurses.

“This is a historical event for Tonga and the Ministry of Health is proud to have achieved this milestone during the national vaccination rollout here in Tonga. Long may Your Majesties live!”
Meanwhile, New Zealand has promised to top up the amount of Tonga’s Vaccination programmes using vaccines from the global COVAX programme.
“New Zealand is following up its commitment to equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines by donating enough for 800,000 people through the COVAX Advance Market Commitment. These doses will go to developing countries, with a focus on the Pacific,” said New Zealand’s Associate Health and Foreign Affairs minister Aupito William Sio.
Tonga is still Covid-19 free.