The Tongan crusader of ‘Say no to drugs’ campaign is appealing to his supporters for more money to help fund his legal costs.

Anti-drugs Campaigner Afimeimo’unga Hola said he needed it urgently for this Friday.
He said he would use the money to cover legal expenses of his two remaining civil court cases filed by the Princess and an Indian businessman.
Hola also said the decision for the defamation lawsuit filed against him by Deputy Prime Minister Sāmiu Vaipulu is expected to be announced on Tuesday next week. Lawyer Clive Edwards Senior and another Indian businessman sued Hola but he said the duo had cancelled the legal actions.
It comes after the Princess sued Hola following an allegation he made during his national anti-drugs campaign.
The allegations triggered others including Hon Vaipulu, Edwards and the Indian business operators to sue Hola.
The Princess had described the allegations as lies and is suing Hola for TOP$10,000.
Hola was widely supported by the PTOA Kolope Foundation (Democrats) supporters with chapters from the US, New Zealand and Australia raising TOP$22,000 to pay for his lawyers and legal fees last year.
Hola was at the centre of media attention last year as a former user who has become an anti-drugs campaigner, working with school children and warning them of the evil nature of the trade.
He had been described as the first major crusader against drugs in Tonga
He was previously banned by the courts from using Facebook and the internet while his cases were before the magistrate’s court.