‘Oku taupotu ‘i lalo ha fakamatala fakaTonga
Deputy Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni will lead the first mission to the Pacific since Covid-19 broke out.
Sepuloni, who is also the Associate Foreign Affairs Minister for the Pacific, will leave for Solomon Islands, Fiji and Tonga on Sunday.
It would be an invaluable opportunity to strengthen New Zealand’s relationships and reaffirm the commitment to working alongside Pacific whānau to respond to challenges, Sepuloni said.
The region was the government’s “foreign policy priority”, Sepuloni said.
“We proudly take a Pacific-led approach to solving the issues facing the region, not least to mention, climate change.
“Tackling climate change together, which has become a harsh reality here in Aotearoa New Zealand, continues to be of urgent importance. It’s more important than ever that we all take collective action to combat its effects, especially alongside our Pacific whānau.
“Our shared Blue Pacific Continent also faces a range of challenges including institutional and economic fragility, social and demographic issues, and increasing geo-strategic competition.”
Sepuloni will be accompanied by the Minister for Pacific Peoples Barbara Edmonds and the Climate Change Minister James Shaw as well as other community leaders.
‘E tataki atu ‘e he Tokoni Palemia Nu’u Sila Carmel Sepuloni ‘a e misiona ki he Pasifiki talu ‘eni mei he to ‘a e Koviti 19.
Ko e Sepuloni foki ‘oku tokoni Minisita Foreign Affairs Minister ki he Pasifiki pea ten au mavahe atu ki Solomon Islands, Fiji mo Tonga he Sapate.
Ko e faingamalie mahuinga ‘eni ke toe fakafefeka’i ‘a e va’ mo toe fakapapau’i ‘a e tukupā ‘a Nu’u Sila mo fengaue’aki mo e fanau ‘a e Pasifiki.
‘Oku fakamu’omu’a ‘e Nu’u Sila ‘a e lisione’ ‘i he’ene ngaahi polisī ki muli’.
Oku polepole ‘a Nu’u Sila ke ne tataki ‘a hono solova ‘a e ngaahi palopalema ‘a e feitu’u ni hange ko e feliuliuaki ‘a e ‘ea’.
E kau fakataha atu ki he folau ni ‘a e Minisita ki he Pacific Peoples Barbara Edmonds mo e Minisita ki he Climate Change Minister James Shaw mo ha taki mei he ngaahi komiunitii’.