A mother of three young children died in Vaiola hospital after a crash on Taufa’ahau road on Sunday 14.
The 42-year-old woman died on Friday 19 after the crash that left her 30-year-old husband and three children, a 10-year-old girl, and 5-and-3-year-old boys injured.

The Police said the family “were heading in a northern direction on the Taufa’āhau Road when the driver recklessly sped and lost control of the wheel, which caused the car to swerve and hit another vehicle that was parked on the side of the road adjacent to the Free Wesleyan Church at Pea, before crashing onto the church’s fence”.
“They were rushed to the Vaiola Hospital with serious injuries where they have been monitored”, the Police said.
Police warning
Tonga Police intends to bolster its road safety enforcement measures starting this weekend by running checkpoints at strategic locations.
Focus will be made on drink driving so police officers will be carrying out alcohol breath tests on our roads.
The public is hereby reminded to kindly cooperate when and if stopped by police officers for alcohol breath testing. It is an easy and quick process, especially if you have not been drinking, so please just follow the police officers’ instructions.
It is also important to note that refusing to take either of the Screening Breath Test or the Evidential Breath Test is an offence, where one shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000, or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or to both, and the Court may order that the convicted person be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence for a period not exceeding 3 years.