Customers of some money and shopping transfer outlets in Tonga have expressed frustrations after waiting for long periods and experiencing delays in receiving money or goods from overseas.

Some Mother’s Day shoppers in Nuku’alofa alleged their money has been sent from overseas, but one outlet in particular claimed it has yet to receive it.
Videos posted to Facebook since yesterday appeared to show people queueing outside LWS Trading.
LWS Trading could not be reached for comment, and we were unable to independently verify whether it has link to the complainants or not.
The video also showed what appeared to be outrageous customers trying to find some shade under nearby trees and power poles outside the outlet while waiting for their money and shopping.
A raft of complaints shared on Facebook included clients who claimed they were told by the outlet a staff was at the bank to withdraw their money. The clients said they had to return home due to long waiting hours with no sign of the staff before they left.
Some complainants on a Tongan Facebook group alleged they were sent money from their families overseas on Monday and Tuesday but the outlet kept telling them up to Friday it has yet to receive it.
It appeared the hardest hit complainants were those who left their online shopping and money transfer until last minute.
Some good Samaritans offered supports and advised complainants to look for reputable money transfer companies such as MoneyGram and Western Union to minimise the risk of any delivery issues.