Photographers in Tonga’s Vava’u islands have captured rare footage of a white southern right whale.

The Minister for Communication (MEIDECC), Fekita ‘Utoikamanu, claimed it was the first white humpback whale born in Tonga.
One video, seen by Kaniva News, shows a white whale swimming alongside several other non-white whales in the crystal-blue water.
Kaniva News was unable to independently verify the authenticity of the footage.
However, it was claimed the footage was taken in Vava’u.
“First white humpback born in Tonga, Vava’u”, Mrs ‘Utoikamanu wrote on Facebook.
She said that this was an Australian Migaloo whale and that it was especially rare. The Minister did not provide further details as to why she claimed the white whale originated in Tonga.
It’s whale watching season in Tonga, running from July to October every year.
Tourists and whale enthusiasts in Vava’u islands have the unique opportunity to snorkel with these gentle giants and observe them in the tropical waters.
The white whale’s name was Migaloo, which is the term used by the Australian Aboriginal community in Queensland to refer to a “White Fella.”
It was first sighted on 28 June 1991 on the Australian east coast near Byron Bay.
This unusual whale was, at that time, the only documented all-white humpback whale in the world.
The White Whale Research Centre (WWRC) was established in 1997 in Australia to raise awareness of Migaloo.
It is a collaboration of research conducted by renowned marine experts and citizen scientists who have collected and recorded sightings over the years.