‘Apifo‘ou College, Tonga’s oldest high school, is organizing a reunion to celebrate 160 years. 

The new chapel’s conceptual design.

Founded in 1865 by the French Marist Brothers at Ahopanilolo as St Stanislaus College, the biggest Catholic school has had different names since then.  

In 1987, while it was known as St John’s High School, it merged with St Mary’s High School and was renamed Apifo‘ou College.

Another historical event marking the anniversary was the publication of the first book in English about the school’s history.  

As Kaniva News reported recently, the new book has been recognized as a groundbreaking contribution to the history of the church and Tonga.

The book “Catholic Church in Tonga” focuses on its history, missionaries, and timeline and has been translated from French by Dr Felise Tāvō, an ex-student and former dux of Apifo’ou College.  

The celebration is set to take place next month, April 24 until 28. 

This year’s anniversary is all about gearing up to rebuild the school’s chapel, which was damaged by Tropical Cyclone Gita in 2018. 

The program for the celebration:  

Wednesday 24 April – Mass at the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate 

Friday 25 April – 160th Anniversary Ball, to be held at the Hall in ‘Apifo’ou 

Saturday 26 April – March from ‘Ahopanilolo to ‘Apifo’ou, AGM. 

Monday 28 April, Mass at ‘Apifo’ou College to commemorate the day of Peter Sanele, the patron saint of the college.