The Tonga Development Bank has paid emotional tribute to its staff member who was the main witness in the prosecution of a broadcaster, a journalist, and a governor.

Mele Halatu’u Lokotui. Photo/Supplied

Mele Halatu’u Lokotui, 30, was a staff member of the Development Bank before her death on September 27, four days after Chief Justice Malcolm Bishop ordered the TOP$20 million pa’anga payout in the case, which also involved the Reserve Bank.

In his decision on September 23, Mr Bishop said his order was made “After considering the Plaintiff’s notice of application dated 11 September 2024 for judgment in default against the First, Second, Third and Fifth Defendants and the affidavit of Mele Hala Lokotui dated 11 September 2024 sworn and filed in support and in reliance upon Order 14 rule 1 of the Supreme Court Rules”.

As Kaniva News reported, the Tonga Development Bank, CEO ‘Emeline Tuita and Board Chair Penisimani Vea sought damages from the Reserve Bank, its governor and media workers Katalina Tohi, Tevita Motulalo and Kalino Latu of the New Zealand-based Kaniva News.

The damages claim related to the broadcast and publication of extracts from a letter written by the Reserve Bank Governor to the Minister of Finance on May 17, 2024 on the subject of Regulatory Actions being taken by the Reserve Bank against the Tonga Development Bank, its CEO Tuita and Chairman Vea.

The letter reported on what were said to be serious concerns about the Reserve Bank and included an order to remove the CEO and Chairman from their roles in the TDB.

The plaintiffs sought damages for loss of profit, general damages and exemplary damages.

Action against Kalino Latu was not proceeded with.

A close relative of Mele claimed that her death may have been related to a heart disease with which she had been previously diagnosed.

It is understood the deceased was a daughter of Police Magistrate Folau Lokotui.

The Development Bank tributed its former staff member in Tongan, saying her death was a tragedy that the organisation deeply felt.

It said: “Ko e tā ʻoku matuʻaki ongo moʻoni , ki he loto fale ʻoe Pangikē ʻae Fonuá , ʻae tali ko au ki he Haú , ʻae tokotaha ngauē matuʻaki tonunga mo mateakiʻi hono fatongiá, Mele Halatuʻu Lokotui”.