An Auckland-based academic is trying to find out how much influence Tongans in Auckland had on the results of last year’s Tongan election.
Dr Philip Cass, who is an editorial adviser to Kaniva News, needs our readers to help his research.
The information will be used for a conference paper, a story for Kaniva News and an academic article.
Nobody’s name will be used.
If you would like to help, please answer the following questions.
If you live in Auckland:
- Did you attend any speeches given by candidates visiting New Zealand before the election?
- Did you talk to your family or friends in Tonga about the election after attending these speeches?
- Do you think you influenced the way they voted at the election?
- Would you like to be able to vote in Tongan elections?
If you live in Tonga:
- Did any of your family or friends living in Auckland talk to you about the elections?
- Do you know whether they had been to hear a speech given by a candidate visiting Auckland?
- Did they influence the way you voted?
- Do you think Tongans living overseas should be able to vote?
You can send your answers to