Statement from Siaosi Pohiva to media outlets
April 16, 2015
Please note: This is an edited version of the original statement.
The letter written by Sione Mokofisi dated 24th March 2015 in the Matangi Tonga Online website contains erroneous information.
I responded by letter with the facts and insisted that Matangi Tonga Online apologise for the erroneous information and retract the said letter. Unfortunately my letter was published but was followed with an end note from the editor, stating that people are welcome to express their opinion.
I sent a rebuttal to Matangi Tonga Online, but this was never published. However, Matangi Tonga Online has published another letter from Sione Mokofisi which contains little of substance.
I have no multi million dollar computer software and that the Tongan Cabinet has never agreed to purchase a multi million dollar computer software from me and Piveni. This information is misleading and intends to misguide the public into thinking that I have used my influence as the Prime Minister’s son, for my own personal benefit. It further infers that the Tonga Cabinet has acted in a manner that is corrupt, fraudulent and not in the interest of the nation. The fact that Matangi Tonga Online continues to publish Mokofisi’s letter is evident that they have acted against the very democracy that this government seeks to promote – the right to speak and publish freely your opinion without hindrance to personal agendas and favouritism. It is even more obvious when they choose not to publish my letter of rebuttal.
In his most recent letter to Matangi Tonga Online, Sione Mokofisi infers that I am “guilty by association.” As such, allow me to make the following clarifications.
I am currently employed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) in Fiji under their program called EQAP (Educational Quality and Assessment Programme). EQAP was previously known as the SPBEA (South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment). I have worked for EQAP/SPBEA since February 2006 and I am currently the Head of the Assessment Section. The debate on the scaling or standardization of student’s exam results in the region is nothing new. This has been an ongoing issue of criticism in the Fiji media and public since 2007.
It is my responsibility to seek an educational solution that will offer an alternative option to the scaling and standardization into the region’s education system. At this time, Piveni Piukala was still employed by the SPBEA as the Head of the ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) Program. Together we worked towards finding a solution to the problem that existed.
It was also evident that the quality of education in the region was on the decline. I was inspired by my direct supervisor during the time Mr Lemalu Sanerivi and with his guidance I therefore presented in 2010 to the Board of SPBEA the anomalies contained in the current system of scaling and offered my findings which I call the SPFSC outcomes based approach (SPBEA Board Issues Paper #7, 2010). A complete version of the finding and concept was presented to the annual conference of the International Association for Educational Assessment that was held in Singapore in 2014. You can find my concept paper published in their website.
During this time, I occasionally sought Piveni’s assistance into developing a computer software that would encompass my solution for easy access. This was due to the fact that since Piveni’s departure from SPBEA in 2009, we have had no qualified computer expert with Piveni’s qualification in artificial intelligence to do the work.
In 2011 Piveni had developed the required software and I presented it to the Board of the SPBEA as a trial for my outcome based assessment approach (SPFSC Board Update Paper, 2011). Piveni developed the new trial software at no cost to the SPBEA. This new approach was being trailed in 2011, for one subject only in the regional Form 7 exams. In 2012 it extended to four subjects and in 2013 the new approach has been applied to all subjects in SPFSC Form 7 regional examination.
Although this new approach has been applied to SPFSC Form 7 level only, I am confident that it will be just as useful if applied across the board to all levels of assessment and education in the region.
In 2014, I presented an updated version of my approach and is published at the Vaka Pasifika Conference in Tonga. I have credited every person I sought advice from including Dr. Visesio Pongi, Mr Peter Davies, Mr Lemalu Sanerivi and Piveni Piukala. However, the work itself is my own independent findings.
Piveni Piukala started working for the SPBEA as an ICT Consultant in 2005, when Dr. Visesio Pongi was still Director. His main responsibility was being a software developer and one of the programmes he developed was called Stallion,a system’s approach prepared by Dr. Visesio Pongi. He then worked as a full time employee of the SPBEA from 2007 – 2009 as a software developer and looked after our ICT program. Piveni was also hired in 2012 as a consultant to develop a new software on Risk Management also designed by Dr. Visesio Pongi.
From December 2012 to June 2014 Piveni was again hired as a consultant by SPBEA to develop the software that would eventually embrace my findings (the SPFSC outcome based approach). There is still a lot of work before this software is considered complete. Piveni is a highly qualified artificial intelligence software expert who has developed computer software that addresses the local context of individual countries.
SPBEA (EQAP) is working with the educational system of Tuvalu by first taking into context the local curriculum. The same can be said for Samoa where Piveni is also working as an ICT consultant for the Samoan Government. I am hopeful that the outcomes based approach is up and running for some countries in the region by 2016. One of my responsibilities as an SPBEA (EQAP) assessment specialist is to provide support and alternative assessment options for the countries, and therefore promote this new outcome based assessment approach in the region. It is an educational solution – not a computer software product.
Each country in the region is welcome to decide who they wish to employ or hire as an ICT consultant to develop their software system to be in compliance with their local context. This software system must be able to embrace the system of intelligence and common sense that any assessment approach introduces, with the local context of each education system and needs analysis. This is the expertise and intelligence offered by Piveni.
There is no other alternative for me, but to take legal proceedings.
Faka’apa’apa atu
Siaosi O Vailahi Pohiva
For further information please contact Siaosi Pohiva on email; or phone (679) 8096245
Statement from Siaosi Pohiva to Tongan media.
Piveni is one of the highly qualified artificial intelligence software expert that has developed computer software that addresses the local context of individual countries.
SPBEA (EQAP) is working with the educational system of Tuvalu by first taking into context the local curriculum. The same can be said for Samoa where Piveni is also working as an ICT consultant for the Samoan Government. I am hopeful that the outcomes based approach is up and running for some countries in the region by 2016. One of my responsibilities as an SPBEA (EQAP) assessment specialist is to provide support and alternative assessment options for the countries, and therefore promote this new outcome based assessment approach in the region. It is an educational solution – not a computer software product.
Each country in the region is welcome to decide on who they wish to employ or hire as an ICT consultant to develop their software system to be in compliance with their local context. This software system must be able to embrace the system of intelligence and common sense that any assessment approach introduces, with the local context of each education system and needs analysis. This is the expertise and intelligence offered by Piveni.
To conclude, I believe without doubt that the intentions of Sione Mokofisi and Matangi Tonga Online, is to invent dirt on my father as Prime Minister and was done with bad and malicious intent. There is no other alternative for me, but to take legal proceedings.
Faka’apa’apa atu
Siaosi O Vailahi Pohiva
For further information please contact Siaosi Pohiva on email; or phone (679) 8096245
Ko e tohi faka-Tonga ʻeni ʻa Siaosi ne ne ʻuluaki ʻomi ia ki he Kanivá ki muʻa he fakamatala tukuange mai ko ʻeni ʻi he lea ʻIngilisí ʻaho 16 ʻEpeleli. ʻOku mau pulusi hangatonu atu pe ʻene tohi faka-Tongá.
Faʻu ʻe Siaosi Pōhiva
Na’aku ‘ohovale ‘i he tohi na’e fai ‘e Sione Mokofisi ‘oku ha ‘i he Matangi Tonga Online fekau’aki pea moe fakatau ‘e he pule’anga ‘a ‘eku software ki he ako ‘i Tonga.
Koe fakamatala ko eni ‘oku hala ‘aupito pea na’aku ‘osi fakaha ‘eni ki he Matangi Tonga Online ke nau fakafoki ‘enau fakamatala pea ke kole fakamolemole. ‘Oku ‘ikai mo’oni ‘a e lau ‘o pehe oku ‘i ai ‘a ‘eku kautaha mo ‘eku polokalama computer ‘oku lau miliona pea ‘oku fakatau ‘e he pule’anga Tonga. ‘oku toe loloto foki ‘o pehe kuo ‘osi tali ‘eni ‘e he Kapineti ke fakahoko ‘a e fakatau ko ‘eni. Koe ngaahi fakamatala ko ‘eni ‘oku ne takihala’i ‘a e kakai ‘o uesia ai ‘a e ongoongo ‘o e Palemia ‘o Tonga mo ‘ene kapineti kae pehe foki kiate au.
Koe toe me’a fakaloloma foki ko e ‘ikai ke ‘i ai ha fa’ahinga fetu’utaki mai ‘e taha kiate au ke ‘ai ha’aku lau.
‘Oku ‘i ai foki moe toe comment ‘a Sione Mokofisi ‘I he Matangi Tonga Online ai pe ‘o ne ngaue’aki ‘ae lea koe “guilty by association”. ‘Oku ou faka’amu koe ki’i fakamatala teu fai ‘e mahino kia Sione Mokofisi ‘a e mo’oni.
‘Oku ou lolotonga ngaue ‘ihe SPC ‘i fisi, ‘i he polokalama koe EQAP (Educational Quality and Assessment Programme) na’e ‘iloa koe SPBEA (South Pacific Board for Educational Assessment). ‘Oku ou tokanga’i ‘ae Assessment Section pea na’aku kamata ngaue ‘I he SPBEA ‘I Fepueli 2006 pea ‘oku ou lolotonga ngaue ni ‘i ai. Koe taha ‘o hoku ngaahi fatongia ko hono fakakaukau’i ha founga ke fekalelei’i ‘aki ‘a e Assessment (Sivi) ‘i he Pasifiki ke tokoni ki hono fakalakalaka ‘o e Ako. Ko hono talanga’i ko eni ‘a e scaling ‘o e sivi ‘oku ikai ko ha me’a fo’ou ia. ‘I he 2008 ‘o faai mai ai na’e kamata ke lahi ‘a hono talanga’i ‘i he media ‘i Fisi ‘a e scaling. Koe taimi eni na’e kamata ai ‘a ‘eku fekumi ki hono fa’u ha founga makehe ko ha option kihe ngaahi fonua ke tokoni ki hono solova ‘oe palopalema ‘oku fai ai ‘a e hoha’a pea moe talanga. Lolotonga eni ‘oku mau ngaue fakataha pea mo Piveni, ‘o ne tokanga’i ‘ae tafa’aki ICT (Information and Communication Technology) pea na’e lahi ‘a ‘ema ngaue fakataha ki ha solution ‘e tokoni ki he ako.
Koe’uhi koe fakalalahi ‘a e ngaahi talanga fekau’aki pea moe scaling fakataha pea moe ha mai ‘oku holo ‘ae quality ‘o e ako ‘i he Pasifiki ko ia na’aku present ai kihe Poate ‘ae SPBEA ‘a e issue ‘ihe assessment pea moe recommendation keu fekumi kiha founga ‘oku taau ke ngaue’aki kihe Sivi ‘ae Pasifiki. ‘I he 2011 na’e kamata ke ha sino mai ‘a e fakakaukau ‘oe SPFSC outcomes based approach. Lolotonga ‘eni na’e te’eki ai ke ‘i ai ha qualified programmer ‘I he SPBEA talu ‘a e mavahe ‘a Piveni ‘I he 2009. ‘i he 2011 Na’aku toutou ‘alu ai kia Piveni ‘o kole kene develop mu’a ‘ae software ke trial ‘aki ‘eku approach kae lava keu present mo update kihe Poate ‘ae SPBEA. Na’e fai ‘e Piveni ‘ae ngaue ni ta’etotongi. Na’e trail ‘ae approach ko eni ‘i he 2011 ‘I he sivi form 7 ‘ae Pasifiki ‘I he lesoni ‘ekonomika pe ‘e taha pea lesoni ‘e fa ‘i he 2012 ‘a ia na’e kau mai ki ai ae ongo ofisa ako ma’olunga ‘I hono fakafolau mai ‘e he SPBEA ke na taki ‘i he kau maaka sivi ‘o e trial ko ‘eni. ‘i he 2013 kuo maau kakato ‘a e ngaue ki he approach ‘o toki ngaue’aki kihe ‘u lesoni katoa. ‘Oku ‘ui pe ‘a e founga ni koe SPFSC (South Pacific Form Seven Certificate) outcomes based approach. Neongo ‘oku ngaue’aki kihe sivi foomu 7 ka ‘e ‘aongaange kihe ako ‘I he ngaahi kalasi ki lalo.
Koe founga ni ‘oku lave ki ai ‘a ‘eku pepa na’e present ‘i he konifelenisi ‘a e IAEA (International Association for Educational Assessment) na’e fai ‘i Singapore ‘i he 2014. Na’aku toe present foki ‘a e me’a tatau ‘I he konifelenisi ‘a e VAKA PASIFIKA na’e fai ki Tonga ‘i he 2014 ai pe.
Na’aku fakahoko ‘a e ngaue ni ma’ae SPBEA pea na’e ‘i ai ‘ae ngaahi tokoni fakakaukau meia Vise kae ‘uma’aa ‘a e consultant ‘i he assessment koe motu’a ko Peter Davies pea ‘oku reference pe ‘i he’eku pepa ‘oku ou lave ki ai ‘i ‘olunga. Me’a pango pe koe ‘ai ketau lau ngaue ka koe mo’oni ‘a e fa’a lau ‘a Piveni koe ngaue (approach) ‘a’aku ma’ae SPBEA.
Koe hisitolia ngaue ‘a Piveni ‘i he SPBEA ‘oku ma’u kotoa ia ‘i he lekooti ‘a e ngaue. Na’e kamata fakangaue’i ‘a Piveni koe consultant ma’ae SPBEA ‘i he 2005 ‘oku kei Pule ai ‘a Dr. Visesio Pongi . Koe ngaue ko eni ke develop ‘a e software koe Stallion ‘a e SPBEA koe fa’u ‘e Vise. Na’e hu mai ‘a Piveni ‘o hoko koe ngaue tu’uma’u ‘I he 2007 ki he 2009 ‘o tokanga’I ‘ae ICT moe software developer.
Na’e toe fakangaue’i ‘a Piveni koe consultant ‘I he 2012 kene develop ‘ae software ‘I he Risk Management koe fa’u ‘e Vise.
‘I Tisema 2012 ki Sune 2014 na’e toe fakangaue’i ‘a Piveni koe consultant ‘e he SPBEA. Koe ngaue ko ‘eni ‘a Piveni ke ne fa’u ha software kihe outcomes based approach na’aku fa’u ki he foomu 7 ‘a e Pasifiki (SPFSC). ‘Oku kei lahi ‘ae ngaahi ngaue ke fakakakato ‘a e software ko eni.
Kuo kole mai ‘eni ‘e he ngaahi fonua ‘o e Pasifiki ki he SPBEA ke nau ngaue’aki ‘a e founga ni kae liliu ke hoa pea moe fiema’u ‘a e fonua. Pea ‘oku ‘osi fai ‘ae tokoni kihe ngaahi fonua ‘oku nau fie ngaue’aki. ‘Oku faka’osi’osi atu eni ‘a e ngaue ‘a e SPBEA pea mo Tuvalu ki he’enau curriculum ka nau ngaue’aki ‘ae founga ni. Ko ha’amoa ‘oku lolotonga fai ‘ae ngaue ki he’enau curriculum kenau ngaue’aki pea moe founga ni ‘o kamata ‘I he 2016. Ko e konga ‘o ‘eku ngaue ke promote ‘ae outcomes-based assessment approach ko ‘eni ki he ngaahi fonua ‘o e Pasifiki he koe fatongia tonu pe ia ‘o e (SPBEA) EQAP. Koe tu’utu’uni ki hono fa’u ha software ke ngaue’aki ‘ae assessment approach ‘oku tau’ataina pe ‘ae ngaahi fonua ia kenau fili ha taha computer programmer he koe fiema’u ‘ae fonua ‘e kehe ia meihe fiema’u ‘ae SPBEA pea koe process intelligent ‘oku kehekehe pea moe context ‘oku kehekehe pea moe analysis needs ‘oku kehekehe.
Koe pehe ko ia ‘e Piveni ‘i hono faka’eke’eke, na’e ngaue pea mo au ke develop ‘ae software kihe outcomes base approach, koe mo’oni ena ‘oku ou ‘oatu i ‘olunga.
‘Oku ou tui ta’etoeveiveiua koe fakataumu’a ‘ae tohi etita ‘a Sione Mokofisi pea moe Matangi Tonga Online kene tukuhifo’i ‘ae Palemia ka ‘oku fakaloloma he na’e fa’u ia ‘I he laumalie kovi moe fakamatala ta’emo’oni pea kuo pau ai keu ‘ave ‘a e tohi ko ‘eni kihe fakamaau’anga.