A Tongan student, Sione Tufui, 22,  at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji was killed last Saturday morning 21 after a brawl broke out between Tongan students and another group.

He was unconsciuos and rushed to the Colonial War memorial Hospital in Suva.

His older brother Tupou Tufui who was also a student at the university said he received a call from the hospital at 2am and informed him about the death of his younger brother.

There were other Tongan students who were reported to have been injured during the fight.

Police have yet to release any details regarding the incident but a message from the Tongan community leader in Fiji, Eleni Tevi was shared on Facebook calling on the USP Tongan students to calm down and asked to refrain from making any revenge.

“There has been a terrible news that was relayed to the Tongan committee this morning of a Tongan USP student who got killed last night from a brawl in Suva" Tevi said.

“There is great concern for the safety of the USP students whether you are Tongan or Nauruan or otherwise who may have anything to do with the fight last night at a Suva night-club.

“The Tongan Community is sending out a plea to all Tongan students to stand down and keep away from further engaging in any confrontation with regards to last night's fateful occurrence.

“The main committee (more than half are still in Nadi) will be meeting at Api Tonga tomorrow after church to look into the details of the case and try to bring some control to the situation!

Tonight there are a lot of angry students who may wish to pursue some unfinished business from last night but we plea as a community to all Tongan students to please stand down for the sake of involving other innocent students in this mess.

“Take care of each other and we will meet tomorrow on what needs to be addressed to diminish any further damages and grievances to families and friends of victims.

“We also ask for your prayers at your churches tomorrow for this situation to be well taken care of in a peaceful and inclusive way to settle matters of Pacific Island students in Suva.

“At the moment the authority (Police) is taking care of the matter and we are in contact with Tongan doctors at ED at CWM hospital on students who are also injured and their well-being and safety while members of the Tongan community at USP are taking care of the communications with the authority now.

“This is not a time to judge, it is a time to stand together as a community and help each other find solutions that work for everyone,” Tevi said.