Syrian refugees. Warning: this article contains image that readers may find distressing

John Key’s government has bowed to pressure and accepted 100 more refugees from Syria to come to New Zealand.

The news has been revealed by the UNHCR spokesperson Ariane Rummery this morning to the The Nation. 

However critics said Hon. Key did not do enough with Opposition Leader Andrew Little saying the Government’s response to the refugee crisis must reflect the scale of the massive humanitarian disaster unfolding in Europe.

Hon Little said:  “the response must be proportionate to what New Zealand can offer these families who are fleeing for their lives with little more than the clothes on their backs.

The Green Party was disappointed and its Co-leader James Shaw said: “We understand from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that New Zealand will take 100 extra Syrian refugees on top of our regular quota of 750,”

“If reports are accurate, an extra 100 refugees to tackle such an enormous situation is a start, but a very disappointing start, unfortunately.

“Our quota allows for +/-10 percent already ie a maximum of 825. Therefore, an extra 100 refugees is only an extra 25 people on top our existing quota.

Young boy found lying face-down on a beach near Turkish resort of Bodrum was one of at least 12 Syrians who drowned attempting to reach Greece. Photo/Reuters

“Once again, National is trying to look like it is doing something, without actually doing anything of significance.

“New Zealand needs to increase its quota permanently, not just do the bare minimum for just this year.

“On Tuesday, the Green Party will be seeking leave of Parliament to introduce Denise Roche’s Member’s Bill which will permanently increase our quota to at least 1000 refugees a year.

“It is heart-breaking to see children and their families fleeing a terrible situation with nowhere to go. We need to do more as a country.

“As an emergency response, 25 extra people is far too little, we prefer Labour’s Bill which will bring an additional 750 refugees into New Zealand this year,” said Mr Shaw.