A student has been taken to hospital and a Police and Ministry of Education investigation is believed to be underway after a grandmother claimed a teacher severely smacked her grandchild and his school mates.

The woman told Tonga Broadcom Broadcasting on Wednesday she thought she could reveal it to the talk back show thinking the authorities could hear her complaint and do something about it.

The teacher allegedly threatened to beat the children’s parents if they told them about their punishment.

She said her grandchild was terrified and when she asked to take him with her to the school and talk to the teacher he refused.

Callers to the show were discussing what should be done to reduce violence against woman to mark International Women’s Day.

Callers were discussing the proposal that sports could help reduce violence against women.

The grandmother told the radio she was surprised when she noticed one of her grandchildren who was studying at Vaini Middle School had severe bruises on his body.

When he was asked to explain, the grandchild alleged he was beaten by a teacher at the school.

The grandchild alleged the teacher was violent.

He claimed the teacher sometimes hit all the class including boys and girls and told them they would be punished more if they told their parents.

He alleged the teacher told them he feared no one, including the Police.

The grandmother told the radio she was shocked to see this type of punishment still used in schools.

The radio programme later reported they had been informed the child was taken to hospital later after the broadcast.

They said Police and the Ministry of Education were investigating.

The main points

  • A student has been taken to hospital and a Police and Ministry of Education investigation is believed to be underway after a grandmother claimed a teacher severely smacked her grandchild and his school mates.
  • The woman told Tonga Broadcom Broadcasting on Wednesday she thought she could reveal it the talk back show thinking the authorities could hear her complaint and do something about it.
  • The teacher allegedly threatened to beat the children’s parents if they told them about their punishment.
  • Callers to the show were discussing what should be done to reduce violence against woman to mark International Women’s Day.