A Chinese businessman has been fined TP$9000 for importing counterfeit goods into the kingdom.

And Tonga’s Supreme Court was told that counterfeiting was becoming more common.

It is believed to be the first case of its kind to be heard.

Xiao Long Fang pleaded guilty to the charge before the Hon. Justice Cato in the Supreme Court.

In his report on the case, the judge said Xiao had imported a large number of exercise books which purported to have been printed by Croxley Stationary Limited.

The cost of printing the real exercise books would be about TP$40,000. However, the books imported by Xiao were made much more cheaply in China.

“Potentially Croxley and other suppliers could have been very seriously  affected had the  defendant  succeeded  in  his  object,  but  Customs  seized the product  on  delivery  in Tongatapu  and  hence  the  defendant was not able to sell them,” Hon. Justice Cato said.

This kind of fraud could seriously harm retailers   who   bought goods through  legitimate  channels, he said.

The main points

  • A Chinese businessman has been fined TP$9000 for importing counterfeit goods into the kingdom.
  • And Tonga’s Supreme Court was told that counterfeiting was becoming more common.
  • It is believed to be the first case of its kind to be heard.
  • Xiao Long Fang pleaded guilty to the charge before the Hon. Justice Cato in the Supreme Court.